Contratto con l’utente centrale
Condizioni generali dei servizi di Cloudys
1. Termini
1.1 Nelle presenti Condizioni Generali e nei Contratti, i termini e le definizioni sono utilizzati nel seguente significato:
1.1.1. Cloudys – contatti forniti sulla pagina web (;
1.1.2. Ambiente – l’ambiente per ordinare e amministrare i Servizi accessibile attraverso la pagina web di Cloudys (;
1.1.3. Utente centrale – titolare di un account utente dell’Ambiente, qualsiasi persona fisica o giuridica che abbia stipulato un accordo per l’utilizzo dell’Ambiente;
1.1.4. Contratto con l’Utente Centrale – un accordo in base al quale all’Utente Centrale viene concesso il diritto di utilizzare l’Ambiente;
1.1.5. Cliente – qualsiasi persona fisica o giuridica che abbia stipulato un contratto per l’utilizzo dei Servizi;
1.1.6. Contratto – qualsiasi contratto (incluso il Contratto per l’Utente Centrale, il Contratto di Servizio) stipulato tra Cloudys e il Cliente/Utente Centrale;
1.1.7. Parte – Cliente o Cloudys; Parti – Cliente e Cloudys insieme; in caso di Contratto con l’Utente Centrale, Cloudys e l’Utente Centrale sono considerati le Parti;
1.1.8. Servizio – qualsiasi servizio fornito da Cloudys, compresi il Servizio Server e il Servizio Dominio;
1.1.9. Condizioni generali di servizio – condizioni generali di un determinato tipo di Servizio;
1.1.10. Special Conditions of Service – special conditions of a respective Service;
1.1.11. Service Contract – Contract for the use of a particular service of Cloudys, incl. i termini generali di questo tipo di servizio (Servizio Server, Servizio Dominio), le Condizioni Speciali di Servizio e altri termini e condizioni applicabili;
1.1.12. Server Service – Service, which consists of the allocation of server resource for the use by the Client, together with any potential additional services (e-mail addresses, use of software, etc.);
1.1.13. Domain Service – Service, which consists of the registration of a domain name to the Client or intermediation thereof, together with any potential additional services;
1.1.14. Contract Documents – General Terms, General Terms and Special Conditions of the Services, Price List, and all Contracts with their annexes;
1.1.15. General Terms – these general terms of the services of Cloudys;
1.1.16. Price List – document available on the web page ( of Cloudys, which provides the prices of the Services.
1.2. Any terms not defined herein shall be used in the meaning provided by legislation, and in the absence thereof in their customary meaning.
2. Contratto con l’Utente Centrale
2.1. L’Utente Centrale avrà il diritto di utilizzare l’Ambiente, ordinare e amministrare i Servizi tramite l’Ambiente mediante la stipula dei rispettivi Contratti di Servizio. Il Cliente conserva il diritto di autorizzare un altro Utente Centrale o una persona fisica ad amministrare tecnicamente i Servizi, ma il Cliente rimarrà responsabile delle attività della persona autorizzata o dell’Utente Centrale.
2.2. Upon entry into the Central User Contract, the Central User accepts the General Terms.
2.3. The Central User uses the Environment, incl. enters into and terminates Contracts personally. The Central User undertakes not to intermediate or enable access to the Environment to any third persons, incl. not to disclose to any third persons the authorisation codes issued to the Central User. Cloudysshall not disclose to any third persons the authorisation codes issued to the Central User.
2.4. In addition to this, the provisions stated with regard to Contracts in the General Terms shall apply to Central User Contracts.
3. Stipula dei contratti
3.1. I contratti sono stipulati per via elettronica. Il Contratto con l’Utente Centrale viene stipulato utilizzando il modulo presente sulla pagina web di Cloudys. Tutti gli altri Contratti saranno stipulati attraverso l’Ambiente.
3.2. Cloudys concludes Contracts in the English language. In the application of the Contracts, the English text takes precedence, incl. in the settlement of disputes.
3.3. The entry into the Central User Contract shall constitute a prerequisite for ordering any Service from Cloudys. No obligation to order any Services shall arise from concluding the Central User Contract.
3.4. For concluding the Contract, the Client shall submit an order to Cloudys using the respective order form—this shall be considered as an offer. Before the order is confirmed, the Client has the possibility of checking their data and correcting mistakes, if necessary. Cloudys shall send a confirmation to the Client by e-mail concerning the receipt of an order.
3.5. When ordering the Service, the Contract Documents relating to the Service shall be displayed to the Client for examination, and upon submitting the order, these Contract Documents shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Client. The Contract has been concluded from the moment when Cloudys has accepted the offer, sending a respective message to the Client’s e-mail address. Upon entry into the Central User Contract, a message shall be sent to the Central User’s e-mail address.
3.6. Cloudys gives its acceptance to the offer or refuses it within fourteen (14) calendar days at the latest.
3.7. Cloudys shall send its acceptance or refusal of the offer by a relevant message to the e-mail address of the other Party. Upon concluding the Central User Contract, the Central User shall be sent the authorisation codes required for the use of the Environment.
3.8. Cloudys is entitled to refuse to enter into any Contracts in cases when the other Party has violated the terms and conditions of the use of any services provided by Cloudys or any third persons (incl. payment obligation) or the good practice of using the Internet, or due to any other causes deemed considerable by Cloudys.
3.9. Any Client who is a consumer is entitled to withdraw from the Contracts without notifying Cloudys of the reason in fourteen (14) calendar days from concluding the Contract by submitting an application to Cloudys in a format which can be reproduced in writing. The withdrawal application may be submitted by a Client who is a consumer with the client’s withdrawal application form or in another unambiguous format.
3.9.1. The withdrawal right is not applicable if Cloudys has fully performed its contractual obligations, if the provision of the service commenced upon the clear consent of the Client before the term of consumer withdrawal ended provided that the Client who is a consumer acknowledged that they lose the consumer’s withdrawal right when Cloudys performs the Contract.
4. Dichiarazioni delle parti al momento della stipula dei contratti
4.1. Le Parti dichiarano reciprocamente che:
4.1.1. they are persons with passive and active legal capacity, no bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated against them, and no bankruptcy cautions have been filed. No dissolution resolution has been passed with regard to the Party that is a legal entity;
4.1.2. all consents and authorisations required for a valid entry into and performance of the Contract have been obtained, and it does not involve any violations of obligations by either Party, arising from the legislation or administrative legislation, court judgement or any other legal relationships;
4.1.3. they have all the resources and skills for the performance of the obligations arising from the Contracts.
4.2. The Parties shall notify the other Party immediately of any changes in the circumstances provided in clause 4.1.
4.3. The Client and the Central User represent that:
4.3.1. prima di stipulare il Contratto, ha esaminato tutti i Termini e le Condizioni del Contratto (comprese le Condizioni generali e le Condizioni speciali di servizio applicabili, le Condizioni generali e il Listino prezzi), questi sono per lei inequivocabilmente comprensibili ed è consapevole dei diritti e degli obblighi che emergono sulla base del Contratto.
4.3.2. all data submitted by them to Cloudys upon concluding the Contracts is correct, they understand that in addition to Cloudys, any third person may rely on their correctness, and are aware that upon submitting false data, sanctions may be applied in relation to them as well as Cloudys.
4.4. The said confirmations shall be deemed to have been given upon concluding all the Contracts (incl. Central User Contract as well as any further Service Contracts).
5. Sistema dei documenti contrattuali
5.1. Le Condizioni Generali si applicano a tutti i Contratti.
5.2. The types of Services (Domain Service, Server Service, etc.) have individual general terms, which apply to all Services. In addition to this, any particular Service may have Special Conditions of Service, which specify the differences from the general terms of the respective type of Service. The General Terms and Special Conditions of Service constitute an integral part of the respective Service Contract.
5.3. Any particular Service has its technical parameters (e.g., in case of the Server Service, the volume of the resource ordered), which are determined upon ordering the particular Service and which constitute an integral part of the respective Service Contract.
5.4. The Contract Documents of the contracts entered into by the Client shall be maintained and are available in the Environment.
5.5. Upon the performance and interpretation of a particular Contract, the Contract Documents shall be considered a whole. In case of any contradiction, the Contract Documents shall have the following priority (in the order of application):
5.5.1. any terms and conditions separately agreed by the Parties;
5.5.2. technical parameters of the Service;
5.5.3. price List;
5.5.4. Special Conditions of Service;
5.5.5. General Terms of Service;
5.5.6. General Terms and Central User Contract.
5.6. By accepting any Contract Document upon concluding any Contract, it shall be deemed that the Party has also accepted the respective Contract Document upon entry into other Contracts to which the respective Contract Document is applicable.
6. Fornitura, modifica e sospensione dei servizi
6.1. Cloudys fornisce i Servizi per via elettronica. L’ordine, l’amministrazione e l’utilizzo dei Servizi richiede che le Parti dispongano di una connessione a Internet. Cloudys non fornisce una connessione a Internet.
6.2. Cloudys shall make reasonable and necessary efforts on its part to ensure the reliable operating of the Services; however, failures cannot be completely excluded due to the nature of the Services. The Client shall immediately notify Cloudys of any problems that occurred upon using the Service. Thereupon, the Client shall state his name, description of the problem, and any other circumstances regarded important by the Client.
6.3. Cloudys provides user support to its Services in different volumes and forms described in the General Terms and Special Conditions of the particular Service. User support is provided according to the calendar and time on working days and during work hours (09:00–17:00)
6.4. The Client is entitled to use the Service according to his or her wishes and needs but pursuant to its intended purpose. The Client undertakes to use the Services in accordance with the Contracts, legislation (incl. intellectual property law), good customs and practice.
6.5. Cloudys shall not monitor the activities of the Client regarding the use of Services with regard to its compliance with the current law. Cloudys is entitled to suspend the provision of Service to the Client in case information is received that the Client violates the rights of any third persons in using the Service. In case of any dispute with regard to the existence of any violations, Cloudys is entitled to suspend the provision of Service until the final settlement of the dispute between the Client and such third person.
6.6. The Client undertakes to use the Services in accordance with the technical parameters of the ordered package; and to order a Service / additional resource that satisfies the needs in case of its inadequateness. Upon discovering the non-conformity of the technical parameters (e.g. the volume of the server resource used by the Client exceeds the agreed total volume), Cloudys shall propose to the Client to bring the use of Service into conformity with the Contracts (e.g. optimize the database exceeding the ordered server resource) within one (1) week, provided that this is the first case of non-conformity. If the Client does not fulfil the request, additional costs regarding resources exceeding the Contract shall apply to the Client, if such costs are provided in the Price List. In subsequent cases, Cloudys shall apply additional costs without giving a term to eliminate the violation.
6.7. Cloudys wishes to keep its Services modern and competitive. Cloudys is entitled to change the principles of using the Services, incl. any technology and software solutions used for the provision of the Service, by notifying the Client thereof in advance. Inter alia, the respective need may be caused by any amendments to the legislation, technological development, and security issues.
6.8. Cloudys is entitled to suspend the provision of Service to the Client in case the Client is in delay in performing the Client’s financial obligations or if the Client is in breach of the Contracts in any other way.
6.9. Cloudys is entitled to restrict or suspend the provision of Service if the services of the other clients of Cloudys are disturbed to a significant extent due to any circumstances that are beyond its control (e.g., an attack against the Client originating from the Internet), and if the respective impact cannot be reasonably removed by any measures less burdening for the Client.
6.10. Cloudys may offer to the Client an option to increase the resource (e.g. used disk space) related to the Service for a fixed term.
6.10.1. Additional resource may be ordered through the Environment. The Client orders additional resource pursuant its own discretion, and is liable for its suitability and sufficiency for the Client’s needs.
6.10.2. The Client pays an additional fee for the additional resource pursuant to the Price List or agreement between the Parties. The Client shall pay for a fixed-term additional resource to the extent of the full ordered period, even if the Client waives to use the additional resource before the expiry of the term.
6.10.3. Upon using the additional resource, the Client is required to guarantee that the respective resource is vacated by the Client upon the expiry of the term. By not fulfilling this obligation, the additional resource agreement becomes indefinite and the Client is required to continue paying for the additional resource.
6.10.4. As of the additional resource agreement becoming indefinite, the fee for the additional resource is calculated by the day, calculating the daily cost by dividing the price of the Cloudys-provided additional resource determined for the shortest period with the days within that period.
6.10.5. Upon the additional resource agreement becoming indefinite, the Client must issue an order via the Environment for its termination. Issuing the order is only possible upon vacating the additional resource. Upon issuing the order, the additional resource agreement terminates immediately and the Client does not have to pay for it as of the next day on.
6.11 In caso di mancato rispetto dei termini e delle condizioni del Contratto di Servizio, il Cliente che sia un consumatore può avvalersi dei rimedi legali previsti dalla legge.
7. Tariffa per i servizi. Insediamenti. Modifiche al listino prezzi
7.1. The Client undertakes to pay for the Services ordered, unless the Service is free of charge. The fees are provided in the Price List.
7.2. The Price List may provide price discounts, incl. to Clients who make advance payments for the Services in the determined amount. In the latter case, the discount applies provided that the Client does not waive the use of the Services paid for in advance before the exhaustion of the advance payment, except if it arises from the violation of the Contract by Cloudys.
7.3. The prices specified in the Price List include VAT at the current rate; no other taxes or additional fees apply. The Client’s obligation to pay for the Service shall arise upon ordering the respective Service. The obligation to pay the fee shall not depend on whether the Client actually uses the Service or not. The amount of the fee may depend on the volume of the Service consumed.
7.4. The Client undertakes to pay a fee to Cloudys for the provided Service pursuant to the Price List available on the website of Cloudys. The payment shall be made in advance payments. Upon termination of the Contract of the initiative of Cloudys or due to any violations by Cloudys, the Client shall retain the right to recover the fee in the extent by which the prepaid fee covers any time period after the termination of the Service Contract. The costs of refunding the fee (incl. transfer costs) shall be covered by the Client.
7.5. Means of payment have been listed on the web page. If the Client has a sufficient amount of credit at Cloudys (advance payment), any amount due by the Client shall be covered with this. In case of settlements by bank transfers, the invoice of the Client shall be deemed to have been paid upon receipt thereof in the bank account of Cloudys, in other cases when Cloudys has obtained reliable information from any third person service providers through which the payment was made about the receipt of the payment.
7.6. Invoices shall be sent to the Client by e-mail, and they are also available in the Environment.
7.7. The Client undertakes to immediately notify Cloudys if an invoice is incorrect or when the invoice has not reached the Client in usual time, or to obtain the invoice on its own from the Environment. The fact that an invoice is delayed, lost, etc., shall not release the Client from the obligation to pay for the Service in due time.
7.8. The Client undertakes to pay the fee according to the terms and conditions indicated on the invoice. In case the payment of the invoice is delayed, Cloudys is entitled to charge a fine for delay from the Client on any outstanding amount at the rate of 0.05% per day until the complete settlement of the due amount.
7.9. Failures in the provision of the Service shall not release the Client from the obligation to pay for the Service, except in case the Parties have agreed otherwise.
7.10. Collection costs with respect of any overdue amounts shall be covered by the Client.
7.11. Cloudys is entitled to change the Price List.
8. Responsabilità delle parti
8.1. La Parte sarà responsabile per qualsiasi perdita causata a Cloudys dalla violazione degli obblighi della Parte derivanti dai Contratti, inclusa qualsiasi perdita causata da qualsiasi terza persona che abbia utilizzato il Servizio o l’Ambiente al posto della Parte.
8.2. In case the claims of third persons are directed to Cloudys as a result of any illegal activity of the Party (incl. failure to perform any obligations undertaken to any third person), the Party shall also indemnify Cloudys for any loss incurred in connection with this.
8.3. Cloudys shall be liable for any direct material damage caused to the Client by any violation of the obligations arising from the Contracts. The prerequisite for the liability of Cloudys is the intent or gross negligence of Cloudys. The liability of Cloudys shall be limited pursuant to the specific Contract, the General Terms and Special Conditions of Service, except when the loss arose as a result of intent or gross negligence.
8.4. Cloudys shall not be liable for any loss that arose to the Client in connection with:
8.4.1. power interruptions not dependent of Cloudys;
8.4.2. failures of communication lines not controlled by Cloudys (incl. those belonging to a data communication provider);
8.4.3. the incorrectness and unlawfulness of information disclosed by the Client by means of the Service to Cloudys or third persons, incl. the public;
8.4.4. attacks originating from the Internet;
8.4.5. non-compliance of Service with the needs of the Client.
8.5. Non-performance or improper performance of the obligations arising from the Contract shall not be regarded as a violation of the obligations by the Party, provided this was caused by any circumstances the occurrence of which the Parties did not and could not foresee upon concluding the Contract (Force Majeure). The Party whose performance of contractual obligations is hindered by any Force Majeure circumstances is required to immediately notify the other Party thereof.
8.6. Non-performance or improper performance of any obligations arising from the Contract shall not bring about any liability to the Party, if this is caused by the performance of any obligation unavoidably arising to such Party as a result of the law.
9. Trattamento dei dati personali. Privacy
9.1. Cloudys shall treat the personal data related to a Client or Central User who is a natural person equally with the data related to a Client or Central User that is a legal person, and shall process such personal data in compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the General Data Protection Regulation). The ways of and grounds for the processing of personal data are described in the Privacy Notice.
9.2. The legal representative of the Client and Central User that is a legal person hereby represents that he or she has the right to transfer the personal data to be submitted to Cloudys or accumulated in the course of the entry into and performance of the Contracts, and shall ensure that these data are kept up to date if the representative or contact person changes, as well as in case the natural person connected therewith requests that his or her data be deleted or that the processing be restricted.
9.3. Cloudys shall process the personal data of the Client and Central User or their legal representative and contact person without a separate consent in order to perform the Contract and its obligations deriving from laws or based on legitimate interest. Upon prior consent of the person, personal data may be processed also for marketing purposes.
9.4. Cloudys will be entitled to engage processors in the processing of personal data if they provide a sufficient security that they shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures in such manner that the processing of client data shall be in conformity to the requirements set out in the respective laws and that the protection of the rights of data subjects shall be ensured. The list of the processors of Cloudys is published on the website under Processors.
9.4.1. Upon the use of domain services, the transfer of the data of the registrant and/or contact persons to a register or registrar, and in case of a top-level domain, also disclosure of the personal data shall form an inevitable part of the provision of services, deriving from the rules of the respective top-level domain. References to the rules of top-level domains, and terms and conditions of registrars are available on the website under Special conditions of domain services.
9.5. Cloudys may transfer or process personal data outside the European Union / European Economic Area, if there is a contract containing the standard clauses conforming to the General Data Protection Regulation, approved codes of conduct, certifications, etc; there is a sufficient level of data protection in place in the state of location of the Recipient in accordance with the decision of the European Commission; the Recipient has been certified under the data protection framework Privacy Shield.
10. Riservatezza. Patrimonio informativo del cliente. Contratto con il responsabile del trattamento e l’incaricato del trattamento
10.1. The Parties shall keep confidential any information related to the other Party, including any business secrets that have become known to them in relation to the entry into and performance of the Contracts, the disclosure whereof to the public or to third parties may damage the other Party in any way, except the information which is meant to be made public or is general knowledge, or which for any other reason cannot be confidential due to its nature.
10.2. The confidentiality obligation shall remain in force for an unspecified term also after the expiry of the Contract.
10.3. The Client is the responsible owner of the Client’s information assets (files, databases, e-mails, etc) stored and processed in the infrastructure of Cloudys. The security level of the Client’s information assets is confidential, and the access of Cloudys employees to the information shall be permitted only upon performance of the work duties based on the written order of the Client, or for the purpose of ensuring the availability, integrity and security of the service.
10.4. Cloudys has no basis for knowing whether a Client’s information assets contain any personal data, and therefore Cloudys shall treat all information assets as potentially containing personal data and the Central User Contract as a written contract between the Client as the controller and Cloudys as the processor within the meaning of Article 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the General Data Protection Regulation).
10.5. Cloudys shall assist the Client in performing the due diligence obligation in choosing the processor, and shall publish its principles for information security management system on its website, and shall clearly determine the limits of liability of Cloudys and the Client for every service. The participation of the Client as the controller of personal data in the audit processes and the implementation of any security measures not described in the general terms and conditions or special terms and conditions of the Service shall take place upon an agreement between the Parties, and Cloudys will be entitled to charge an additional fee for these activities.
10.6. As a rule, Cloudys shall provide the server services within the European Union / European Economic Area, and shall, upon the ordering of a service, enable the Client to choose the suitable availability zone. Transfer of services to another availability zone under a different jurisdiction than the chosen one shall take place only on the basis of a written order of the Client.
10.7. Cloudys shall immediately inform the Client if he ascertains or suspects with a good reason that the security requirements have been violated in relation to the information assets of the Client, and this causes accidental or illegal destruction, loss, modification or unauthorized disclosure of or access to these information assets.
10.8. Cloudys shall inform the Client immediately if Cloudys receives an inquiry or request for the conduct of an investigation or audit from a competent authority, save in case such informing is prohibited by law.
11. Messaggi. Dati di contatto
11.1. All messages between the Parties having legal consequences must be in a format which can be reproduced in writing and they shall be deemed to have been delivered to the other Party when one (1) working day has passed from the sending thereof to the other Party. Messages intended for the Client shall also be sent to the Central User authorised for the technical administration of the Service, if such Central User exists.
11.2. The contact data of Cloudys has been provided on the web page of Cloudys ( Contact data forwarded to Cloudys by a Party is published in the Environment. In case the contact data of the Party (name, address, telephone, e-mail address, etc.) is changed, the Party undertakes to immediately notify Cloudys thereof in a format which can be reproduced in writing. The Party may make the respective changes in the Environment on its own and shall thereupon be deemed to have fulfilled the notification obligation.
12. Durata, modifica e risoluzione del contratto
12.1. Cloudys può proporre di concludere Contratti con o senza termine. Il Contratto con l’Utente Centrale sarà stipulato senza un termine.
12.2. If the Contract is entered into without a term, a requirement of minimal duration shall not be applied to it, except if provided otherwise by the applicable Contract Documents of a particular Service. In the case of a fixed-term Contract, the Contract shall expire upon the expiry of the term.
12.3. Cloudys is entitled to amend all the Contract Documents by notifying the Clients concerned at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance (the term is not applied to Price List amendments). Cloudys shall exercise the right to amend the Contract Documents primarily when such need arises from any amendments to the legislation (incl. amendment to the balance of contractual obligations), judicial practice, development of technology and economy, technological or organisational reorganisations in the operation of Cloudys.
12.4. The Party who does not agree to the amendments made by Cloudys to the Service or the Contract Documents (incl. the Price List) is entitled to cancel the amended Contract by notifying thereof two (2) weeks in advance, except in cases where the amendments are favourable to the Party. If Cloudys does not notify of the amendments to the Price List at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the Price List entering into force, the Client shall retain the right to cancel the Contract so that it terminates before the amended Price List becomes valid, in case of Price List amendments that actually apply to the Services already ordered by the Client and have a negative impact on the Client.
12.5. Unless otherwise provided by the Contract (incl. the General Terms and Special Conditions of Service), either Party is entitled to cancel the Contract without stating any reasons by notifying the other Party thereof thirty (30) calendar days in advance. In case of any fixed-term Service, the Client may also cancel the Contract constituting the basis for the Service, if Cloudys does not refund the fee that the Client paid to Cloudys for the respective Service until the expiry of its agreed term.
12.6. With reasonable prior notification, Cloudys is entitled to ordinarily cancel any fixed-term Contract, if it abandons the provision of a respective service or resource.
12.7. Cloudys is entitled to terminate the Central User Contract without any prior notice upon the expiry of three (3) months from the termination of the last Service Contract in force due to any reason, except in case the Central User is the technical administrator of another Client’s Service.
12.8. Cloudys is entitled to unilaterally cancel any Contract without any advance notice term by notifying the other Party thereof in case the other Party essentially violates the terms and conditions of any Contract, particularly when the other Party:
12.8.1. delays the payment for the Service for more than one (1) month;
12.8.2. violates any requirements established by the legislation or other terms and conditions of the Contracts and does not stop the violations immediately upon the receipt of a respective demand from Cloudys or if the violation is serious to the extent (e.g. intentional acts of damaging the Services) that Cloudys cannot be expected to continue the performance of the Contracts.
12.9. Upon the expiry of the Central User Contract, all related Service Contracts shall also terminate and the Central User shall lose the right and opportunity to use any Cloudys Service or act as a technical administrator of another Client’s Service.
13. Legge applicabile. Giurisdizione. Termini di prescrizione
13.1. The Contracts shall be governed by the legislation.
13.2. Any disputes arising from the Contracts shall be solved by means of an agreement between the Parties. If the Parties cannot reach an agreement, the disputes shall be settled at the Harju County Court. A Client who is a consumer retains the right to turn to the consumer complaints committee pursuant to the terms and rules provided in the Consumer Protection Act .
13.3. The limitation period of the claims arising from the Contracts is one (1) year.
Condizioni generali dei servizi del server
1. Ambito di applicazione
1.1. Le presenti Condizioni Generali dei Servizi Server si applicano a tutti i Contratti di Servizio stipulati per l’utilizzo dei Servizi Server forniti da Cloudys.
1.2. In addition to this, the General Terms of the Services of Cloudys apply to the Server Services to the extent that these General Terms of Server Services do not provide otherwise.
2. Termini utilizzati
2.1. I termini e le definizioni che seguono hanno il seguente significato nelle Condizioni Generali dei Servizi Server:
2.1.1. Physical Server – the server in the possession of Cloudys used for the provision of the Server Service to the Client and the hardware and software belonging to it, which can be accessed by the respective authorisation codes;
2.1.2. Virtual Server – limited resource of one or more Physical Servers shared with the other clients of Cloudys, upon the use of which the Client can present the materials belonging to the Client. The definition “Virtual Server” also covers the limited resource of one or more Physical Servers allocated to the Client by Cloudys for sending and receiving e-mails;
2.1.3. Server – Physical Server and / or Virtual Server.
3. Utilizzo del servizio
3.1. Il Cliente ha il diritto di utilizzare il Server per archiviare applicazioni e materiali e/o presentarli al pubblico. Il Cliente ha il diritto di utilizzare il Server per archiviare le applicazioni e i materiali del Cliente e/o presentarli al pubblico, a seconda del tipo di Servizio Server, anche per creare e/o utilizzare indirizzi e-mail, inviare e ricevere e-mail, nonché in qualsiasi altro modo che sia conforme alla descrizione del Servizio Server;
3.2. The Client undertakes to make with sufficient frequency backup copies for himself of the files kept on the Server and keep the software installed by the Client updated in order to ensure its security.
3.3. The Client is liable for the contents of the Server allocated to the Client, and the Client also undertakes not to disclose any materials on the Server or provide any services, which contradict the legislation or good practice or which violate the rights of any third persons. È vietato, tra l’altro, utilizzare o distribuire media e software protetti dal diritto d’autore, se non esiste una licenza necessaria a tale scopo.
3.4. Il Cliente non utilizzerà sul Server alcun software, script, programma o altra applicazione, che appesantisca, disturbi o danneggi il normale funzionamento del Server, e si impegna a rimuoverli al più tardi entro dodici (12) ore dall’invio del rispettivo messaggio da parte di Cloudys.
3.5. The Client undertakes not to use such programs or applications on the Server, which enable the Internet users to send mass e-mails (junk mails), threatening, disparaging or misleading e-mails, and not to send such e-mails by himself. It is forbidden to provide such services from the Server (e.g., proxy, open DNS resolver, etc.) or use the Server for such activities, which can be regarded as attacks against third persons (incl. scanning of ports, computer networks and/or any inquiries burdening the equipment in these, etc.).
3.6. Cloudys is entitled to issue mandatory precepts to the Client for the termination of any illegal activity relating to the use of the Server Service or activity violating the Contract Documents, incl. for removal of any illegal materials or materials contrary to good morals from the Server, likewise to remove such materials itself. Cloudys shall reserve itself the right as the person holding the respective technical information to decide whether the activities of the Client are burdening, disturbing, damaging the Server or not, and thus to suspend the service to the Client in case of need by reasoning its decision to the Client.
3.7. Storing files – Our shared servers are not for storing or archiving files, videos, mp3s or any other data. While we try to be flexible, use of a shared hosting account as a backup/storage device is not permissible.
4. Manutenzione del server. Riparazione dei guasti
4.1. For the purpose of providing stable Server Service, Cloudys shall maintain the Server regularly. Cloudys shall notify the Client of any scheduled Server maintenance and improvement works, which may disturb the ordinary use of the Server Service, at least five (5) calendar days in advance. In urgent cases, to perform maintenance works and make configuration changes without notifying the Client in advance.
4.2. Cloudys shall repair any Server failures within a reasonable time, but not later than within three (3) working days.
4.3. Cloudys shall make backup copies of the materials of the Client regularly, but does not ensure the preservation of the materials.
4.4. Cloudys performs periodic maintenance, as well as software and hardware updates early Monday mornings every given month, within the period from 1 AM to 6 AM, and this maintenance may include interruptions of up to 30 minutes to the Client’s Server Services. The Client shall not be additionally notified of periodic maintenance.
5. Sospensione del Servizio Server
5.1. Cloudys ha il diritto di sospendere immediatamente la fornitura del Servizio Server al Cliente se:
5.1.1. the software, scripts, or other applications used by the Client cause failures on/of the Server, cause overloads, or hinder Cloudys in any other way upon provision of the services;
5.1.2. Internet attacks are aimed at the Client (incl. denial-of-service attacks, i.e. DoS and DDoS attacks);
5.1.3. The Client does not comply with the precept of Cloudys referred to in clause 3.6 .
6. Responsabilità delle parti
6.1. Cloudys non sarà responsabile di alcuna perdita causata da:
6.1.1. Failures caused by any software used by the Client on the Server;
6.1.2. Acts or omissions of the Client upon administration of the Server, incl. the contents of the materials kept and published by the Client on the Server, or e-mails sent by the Client or under the addresses belonging to the Client in the course of using the Server Service;
6.1.3. Potenziali interruzioni, attacchi Internet (inclusi attacchi denial-of-service, cioè attacchi DoS e DdoS) derivanti da qualsiasi carico e/o guasto causato da terzi al Server;
6.1.4. Spread of viruses.
6.2. The Client shall indemnify for any loss, which arose in connection with any damage to the Server caused by the software or application used by the Client, or hindering the operation of Cloudys thereby in any other illegal manner, provided Cloudys has previously warned against such activity. In case the activity of the Client upon damaging the Server is intentional, the Client shall be liable regardless of any warning by Cloudys.
7. Scadenza del contratto
7.1. Cloudys invierà un messaggio al Cliente 30 giorni prima della scadenza del termine del Contratto di Servizio specificando l’opportunità di prorogarlo. Alla scadenza del Contratto di Servizio, Cloudys conserverà il nome dell’account e i materiali del Cliente per 30 giorni, consentendo al Cliente di farne una copia.
Politica di rinnovo automatico per i servizi Cloudys
Per garantire un accesso ininterrotto ai tuoi servizi, Cloudys offre tutti i servizi con rinnovo automatico, a meno che non sia esplicitamente indicato diversamente. Il rinnovo automatico rinnoverà il tuo servizio per un periodo uguale al tuo ultimo periodo di servizio (ad esempio, un periodo di un anno si rinnoverà per un altro anno), ad eccezione dei nomi di dominio, che possono rinnovarsi per il loro periodo di servizio originale. Se un tentativo di rinnovo con il metodo di pagamento in archivio non va a buon fine, Cloudys può provare a rinnovare per un periodo più breve per consentire alla transazione di andare a buon fine.
Rinnovo automatico e metodi di pagamento
A meno che tu non disabiliti il rinnovo automatico, Cloudys rinnoverà automaticamente il tuo servizio al momento del rinnovo. Il pagamento verrà prima tentato utilizzando il metodo di pagamento principale associato al tuo account. I rinnovi vengono addebitati alle tariffe correnti al momento del rinnovo, che possono differire dalle tariffe originali.
Per gestire le impostazioni di rinnovo:
- Accedi al tuo account Cloudys.
- Segui i passaggi indicati per visualizzare o aggiornare le tue preferenze di rinnovo.
Se non desideri il rinnovo automatico, puoi disattivare questa funzione. In questo caso, i tuoi servizi termineranno alla fine del periodo in corso, a meno che non vengano rinnovati manualmente. Il mancato rinnovo manuale dei servizi prima della loro scadenza può comportare un’interruzione o una perdita del servizio. Cloudys non è responsabile di eventuali interruzioni causate dal mancato rinnovo.
Aggiornamenti sulla fatturazione e sui pagamenti ricorrenti
Cloudys può partecipare a programmi di fatturazione ricorrente o utilizzare servizi di aggiornamento dell’account supportati dal fornitore della carta di credito o dalla banca. Questi programmi possono aggiornare automaticamente i dati della tua carta (ad esempio, il numero o la data di scadenza), garantendo il successo delle transazioni. Tuttavia, Cloudys non può garantire la ricezione dei dati di pagamento aggiornati.
E’ tua esclusiva responsabilità:
- Assicurati che i tuoi metodi di pagamento siano aggiornati e validi.
- Cancella tutti i servizi indesiderati prima del rinnovo.
Il mancato mantenimento di informazioni di pagamento valide o la mancata gestione delle impostazioni dell’account possono causare interruzioni del servizio. Cloudys non è responsabile per eventuali perdite derivanti da tali interruzioni.
Politica d’uso accettabile
La presente Politica d’Uso Accettabile (“AUP”) regola l’utilizzo dei Servizi da parte dell’utente ed è incorporata per riferimento nei Termini di Servizio di Cloudys. Se non diversamente specificato, i termini definiti nella presente AUP hanno lo stesso significato previsto nei Termini di Servizio. Cloudys può modificare la presente AUP in qualsiasi momento senza preavviso.
I Servizi forniti da Cloudys possono essere utilizzati solo per scopi leciti. L’utente accetta di rispettare tutte le leggi, le norme e i regolamenti applicabili in relazione all’utilizzo dei Servizi. Cloudys si riserva il diritto di rifiutare il servizio a chiunque a sua esclusiva discrezione. Qualsiasi materiale o comportamento che, a nostro giudizio, violi in qualsiasi modo la presente AUP può comportare la sospensione o la cessazione dei Servizi o la rimozione dei contenuti con o senza preavviso.
La mancata risposta a una comunicazione del nostro reparto abusi entro il periodo di tempo specificato nella nostra comunicazione all’utente può comportare la sospensione o la cessazione dei Servizi.
Usi vietati
L’utente non può utilizzare direttamente o indirettamente i Servizi in relazione a una qualsiasi delle seguenti attività, come stabilito a esclusiva discrezione di Cloudys:
L’utente non può utilizzare i Servizi per pubblicare contenuti o intraprendere attività che siano illegali ai sensi della legge applicabile, che siano dannosi per altri o che possano esporre Cloudys a responsabilità, incluso, a titolo esemplificativo, in relazione a uno dei seguenti casi, ciascuno dei quali è vietato dalla presente AUP:
Divulgare informazioni personali sensibili su altri;
Memorizzazione di informazioni personali o sensibili, incluse, a titolo esemplificativo, le “Informazioni sanitarie protette” come definite dalla legge statunitense sulla portabilità delle assicurazioni sanitarie e sulla responsabilità (“HIPAA”);
Phishing o furto di identità;
Distribuire virus informatici, worm, cavalli di Troia o altri codici maligni;
Promuovere o agevolare la prostituzione o il traffico sessuale;
Ospitare schemi ponzi o piramidali o siti web che adottano pratiche di marketing illegali o ingannevoli;
Ospitare, distribuire o collegarsi a materiale pedopornografico (CSAM) o a contenuti dannosi per i minori (CSAM sarà sospeso immediatamente senza preavviso e segnalato alle forze dell’ordine o al National Center for Missing and Exploited Children);
Impegnarsi nella distribuzione illegale di sostanze controllate, contrabbando di droghe o farmaci da prescrizione (inclusi, senza limitazioni, la promozione, il marketing o la vendita di farmaci da prescrizione senza una prescrizione valida);
Gioco d’azzardo;
Promuovere o facilitare la violenza o le attività terroristiche; oppure
Violare la proprietà intellettuale o altri diritti di proprietà di altri.
Uso eccessivo delle risorse o abuso della rete
L’utente non può consumare quantità eccessive di risorse del server o della rete o utilizzare i Servizi in modo tale da causare problemi di prestazioni del server o interrompere il servizio per altri clienti. Le attività vietate che contribuiscono a un uso eccessivo includono, a titolo esemplificativo:
Ospitare o collegarsi a un server proxy anonimo;
Gestione di un sito di condivisione di file;
ospitare script o processi che hanno un impatto negativo sui nostri sistemi; oppure
Utilizzando un software che si interfaccia con una rete IRC (Internet Relay Chat).
Accesso non autorizzato al sistema
L’utente non può utilizzare direttamente o indirettamente i Servizi per ottenere l’accesso a qualsiasi rete o sistema senza autorizzazione, inclusi, senza limitazione, i seguenti casi
Accedere a un’altra rete senza autorizzazione, anche per sondare o scansionare le vulnerabilità o violare le misure di sicurezza o di autenticazione;
Attaccare altre reti (ad esempio, utilizzando botnet o altri mezzi per lanciare attacchi Denial of Service (DoS) o di altro tipo);
intercettare o monitorare i dati senza autorizzazione; oppure
Utilizzare qualsiasi deep-link, page-scrape, robot, crawl, indice, spider, lettore offline, click spam, programmi macro, internet agent, o altri dispositivi automatici, programmi, algoritmi o metodologie, per utilizzare, accedere, copiare, indicizzare, acquisire informazioni, generare impressioni o click, inserire informazioni, memorizzare informazioni, cercare, generare ricerche o monitorare qualsiasi parte del sito web o dei server Cloudys per qualsiasi scopo non autorizzato.
Archiviazione dei backup
Non puoi utilizzare il tuo account di hosting come soluzione di backup. I nostri Servizi sono progettati solo per ospitare il tuo sito web e non possono essere utilizzati come archivio di dati. Cloudys si riserva il diritto di rimuovere i backup dal tuo account di hosting con o senza preavviso.
Plugin di backup
Cloudys fornisce già backup automatici giornalieri e backup scaricabili per tutti i siti del tuo account, quindi i plugin di backup non sono necessari nella maggior parte dei casi. Inoltre, possono causare inutili problemi di prestazioni.
Nota: questo elenco non è esaustivo; tutti i backup non incrementali non sono consentiti.
- All-in-One WP Migration
- BackupBuddy
- BackuWPup
- BackWPup
- UpdraftPlus
- WP DB Backup
- WP DB Backup Made
Limiti delle risorse del server
Il suo utilizzo delle risorse del server non deve mettere in pericolo la capacità e il funzionamento del server condiviso. Qualsiasi account condiviso può utilizzare, in media, non più risorse di quelle indicate di seguito:
Nei piani di Hosting condiviso ( Web, Web Pro, Web Business ), Hosting VPS e Hosting Reseller è possibile allocare un massimo di 5 GB per casella postale.
Nei piani di Business Email Hosting è possibile allocare un massimo di 50 GB per casella postale.
È possibile assegnare un massimo di 5 database MySQL ai piani di hosting condiviso (Web, Web Pro, Web Business).
È possibile assegnare un massimo di 300 000 Inode ai piani di hosting condiviso (Web, Web Pro, Web Business).
Politica di tolleranza zero nei confronti dello spam
Qualunque account utente che provochi o provochi l’inserimento del nostro spazio IP nella lista nera verrà immediatamente sospeso e/o chiuso.
È vietato falsificare o travisare le intestazioni dei messaggi.
I siti web pubblicizzati tramite spam (cioè “Spamvertised”) non possono essere ospitati sui nostri server.
L’utente non può utilizzare i Servizi per vendere elenchi di contatti o inviare e-mail a elenchi acquistati (ad esempio, “elenchi sicuri”).
L’utente non può utilizzare i Servizi per inviare spam o messaggi di massa. Possiamo chiudere, con o senza preavviso, l’account di qualsiasi utente che invii spam.
I Servizi dell’utente possono essere sospesi o interrotti con o senza preavviso in caso di violazione della presente AUP. Qualsiasi violazione può comportare la sospensione o la chiusura immediata dell’account dell’utente.
Cloudys si riserva il diritto di disabilitare o rimuovere qualsiasi contenuto vietato dalla presente AUP, anche per prevenire danni ad altri o a Cloudys o ai Servizi, come stabilito a esclusiva discrezione di Cloudys.
Le violazioni saranno segnalate alle forze dell’ordine come stabilito da Cloudys a sua esclusiva discrezione.
La mancata risposta a un’e-mail del nostro team per gli abusi entro quarantotto (48) ore, o come altrimenti specificato nella comunicazione all’utente, può comportare la sospensione o la cessazione dei suoi Servizi.
I siti web ospitati sui server Cloudys negli Stati Uniti sono generalmente regolati dalle leggi statunitensi. In qualità di host web, Cloudys non è l’editore dei contenuti generati dagli utenti e non è in grado di indagare sulla veridicità delle singole richieste di diffamazione. Piuttosto, ci affidiamo al sistema legale e ai tribunali per determinare se il materiale è diffamatorio o meno. In qualsiasi caso in cui un tribunale di giurisdizione competente, come stabilito a esclusiva discrezione di Cloudys, ordini la rimozione del materiale, Cloudys disabiliterà l’accesso a tale materiale.
Fermo restando quanto sopra, gli utenti di Cloudys sono responsabili dell’utilizzo dei Servizi in conformità con le leggi vigenti nella loro giurisdizione, incluse, a titolo esemplificativo e non esaustivo, le leggi in materia di diffamazione, email non richieste, spamming, privacy, oscenità e violazione della proprietà intellettuale. Cloudys si riserva il diritto di prendere in considerazione le considerazioni legali locali e di rispondere di conseguenza a esclusiva discrezione di Cloudys.
L’applicazione di questa AUP è a esclusiva discrezione di Cloudys.
Segnalazione delle violazioni
Per segnalare una violazione dell’AUP di Cloudys, invia un’email a [email protected]. Per segnalare una violazione della proprietà intellettuale o di altri diritti di proprietà, invia un’email a [email protected].